Technisch bureau van Eeden

ing. Michiel van Eeden

+31 (0)73 - 614 9 615

linkedin profile
Technisch bureau van Eeden is established in 1996.

Education - grades;
- Bachelor of Engineering, Applied physics 1984
- Post graduate course acoustics Antwerp 1989

- Safety for Operational Supervisors (Safety Checklist Contractors)
  Dutch: VOL -VCA

ing. Michiel van Eeden is HAS (Harmonised Standards) consultant for machinery noise for the European Commission
and teacher for noise and vibration at PHOV.

Member of:
ISO/TC 43/SC 1/WG 28 - Basic machinery noise emission standards
ISO/TC 43/SC 1/WG 67 - Revision of ISO 9612: Determination of occupational noise exposure

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